Since its founding in 1980, Wikk has been a trusted resource to bridge the "accessibility gap" by delivering patented, code compliant solutions with user-friendly designs. Our products are being used in some of the most iconic buildings in North America, including the Empire State Building, World Trade Center Oculus, Los Angeles Stadium, and the United States Capitol to name a few. We are a family-owned business that strives on a daily basis to continually exceed our customers' increasing expectations.
Wikk Industries was founded in 1980 to design and produce a balanced door product line. The company later developed a line of automatic door activation devices, now commonly called switches. When the American's with Disabilities Act (ADA) passed in 1991, Wikk already had a presence in the market with its comprehensive selection of switches, mounts and accessories.
Have a general question about Wikk and it's various accessibility solutions? For sales inquiries, consult our list of Sales Reps to find the Wikk representative who services your area. The team at Wikk is a pleasure to work with. Whether we need information on pricing, availability or custom applications, they always come through for us.
Wikk's social responsibility program supports a range of activities that demonstrate how incorporating community stakeholders into our work network not only supports our corporate goals but also helps nonprofit organizations promote social change in a positive and sustainable way. The mission of Pantheon Industries is to provide a full spectrum of opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

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